Budget-friendly DIY project to improve windows | Boulder City Review

2021-12-14 09:11:21 By : Ms. Ariel Xu

During a recent trip in my hometown of Brooklyn, I noticed that my aunt was using a rope to "lock" a closed casement window. The lock bar broke, and this rope trick was her way of closing the "MacGyver". Although this is a temporary solution, especially during a pandemic, it will pry open the window every time the wind passes over it. Between fierce drafts, obstructions, and obvious security issues, I was determined to fix it.

During a recent trip in my hometown of Brooklyn, I noticed that my aunt was using a rope to "lock" a closed casement window. The lock bar broke, and this rope trick was her way of closing the "MacGyver". Although this is a temporary solution, especially during a pandemic, it will pry open the window every time the wind passes over it. Between fierce drafts, obstructions, and obvious security issues, I was determined to fix it.

Finding a part to repair an old window or door can be intimidating, especially if there is no name or model to identify it, which is my case. My search led me to a Canadian company, Reflect Window & Door (ReflectWindow.com). It only sells replacement parts for doors and windows, and has very helpful staff able to determine the exact parts I need. They asked me to send them photos of the damaged multi-point window sash lock via email, and within two days, I got the parts. They even helped me solve installation problems. I installed it within a few minutes and it locked perfectly.

At the same time, my aunt was sure that the entire window needed to be replaced because the locked part of the window was enclosed in the frame. I suddenly realized that we can fix and update the perfect DIY project window in many ways.

Replacing windows can be a huge financial task, and if we are not ready for this kind of investment, we can make windows "better" within our budget. This is a list of practical and energy-efficient ways we can make window improvements.

Add muntins/mullions. Terms often used interchangeably, mullions are thick members, usually vertical, used to separate windows, while horizontal frames are used to separate smaller panes. Together they are called grids or grids and form so-called "split lites".

Kits for adding grilles to existing windows are available through companies such as Windows-balances.com or large stores. Companies such as BigBlueWindow.com will customize the grille for you. This is a quick way to make ordinary windows extraordinary.

Isolate windows for ventilation. Old windows that are not energy efficient will indeed affect the comfort of our homes and our dependence on the temperature of heating and air conditioning. There are several ways to isolate existing windows.

For example, the design of the heat insulation board is just right for your indoor window sash, forming an air bag that increases the R value (heat loss). Companies such as WindowInserts.com make custom plug-ins that fit your existing framework.

You can also use external window caulking and internal weather strips to seal cracks and spaces to prevent ventilation and heat from entering.

Add window film/tone. The DIY window film kit is an easy way to control heat and glare in your home. Some movies are designed to use textures, patterns or colors to create privacy. They have sticky or static adhesion, and have various levels of privacy and filtering.

Add a safety lock. After-sales window locks provide a variety of ways to protect windows that cannot provide the security you need. A window stop or restrictor allows you to control the "opening size". Using them will allow you to keep the windows open for ventilation, but will prevent children from climbing out or burglars from entering.

Install solar screens. In addition to preventing nasty bugs, solar screens installed outside windows can block up to 90% of sunlight and heat, but will not block your view.

Add a wooden valance box or DIY blinds. Use recycled wood panels and cast iron shutter hinges to create a rustic louver appearance, bringing interesting design elements to your kitchen windows. Construct a wooden drapery or drapery frame to complete the top of the window with a bold statement.

Make artificial stained glass. There are countless tutorials on how to use some cheap materials to make artificial stained glass. This is a colorful artistic way to bring ideas to windows, and it is also a fun project to do with the whole family.

Norma Vally is an experienced home improvement veteran; her career includes four seasons as the host of the Discovery Family Channel Emmy nominated series "Tools with Queens". Email Norma@NormaVally.com.

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